Cam's Journey


Cam's Journey
Autism Facts
Heavy Metal Poisoning
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In the Beginning

Upon Cameron's birth his father and I counted all of his fingers and toes and were told that we had a healthy baby boy.  We were both relieved and overjoyed. 

Cameron's daddy and I had heard there was some controversy about vaccinations prior to Cam's birth.  In an effort to be diligent parents we questioned our doctor and went online to gather information.  At the time, we found information warning about possible rare allergic reactions that could cause death and symptoms to watch for when shots were administered.  I remember vividly breathing a sigh of relief when Cam didn't have a seizure, turn blue or die in his sleep immediately following his first vaccination.

As the months past we had a plump and "healthy" boy who was growing and meeting all of his developmental milestones.  However, shortly after Cameron's first birthday things started to change.  He was slowly stolen from us right before our own eyes.

Disclaimer:  The material on this site is for informational purposes only and is not to be meant as medical advice.  Please consult a trusted and knowledgeable physician when making medical and treatment decisions.

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This site was last updated 01/09/09


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